More details to follow in the next issue of ‘The Evacuee’
At the end of the Second World War, many people, including children then at school, received a Certificate of Thanks signed by Royalty for their fortitude and help in winning the war.
Certificates were also sent to the people who took evacuees into their homes in the reception areas, but no message of thanks was sent to those who had been evacuees.
At last that omission is being rectified. A certificate of Recognition is now available from the British Evacuees Association. Order yours now, many hundreds of former evacuees have already done so, as well as former evacuees family members in their relatives memory.
Click here to download a form that you can print out, fill in and return to us.
Alternatively if you are unable to print a form, you can click here to email us or write to us at: The British Evacuees Association, The Mill Business Centre, Gringley-on-the-Hill, Nottinghamshire, DN10 4RA. England
The minimum donation required towards the costs involved in the production and distribution of the certificates is £10.
Please note that the name of every person receiving a Certificate of Recognition will be entered into a Register at the office of The British Evacuees Association.
Mr Michael Aspel OBE – Television Presenter and former evacuee
Sir Robert Crawford CBE – Former Director General of the Imperial War Museum
Lady Emma Barnard – of Parham Park, home for evacuees during World War Two
Former Patron and Evacuee - Sir Roger Moore
Former Patron and Evacuee Sir Bruce Forsyth CBE
Former Patron and Evacuee Mr Henry Sandon MBE
Mr Michael Aspel OBE – Television Presenter and former evacuee
Sir Robert Crawford CBE – Former Director General of the Imperial War Museum
Lady Emma Barnard – of Parham Park, home for evacuees during World War Two
Former Patron and Evacuee - Sir Roger Moore
Former Patron and Evacuee Sir Bruce Forsyth CBE
Former Patron and Evacuee Mr Henry Sandon MBE